The Last Great Hunt is an internationally renowned collective of five theatre makers: Gita Bezard, Adriane Daff, Jeffrey Jay Fowler, Arielle Gray and Tim Watts. We are creators, innovators and above else, explorers. With each new theatre experience, we hunt for new ideas and new ways of connecting with our expanding audiences across Australia and the world. We create high quality, rigorous, relevant and entertaining original work. Created in Perth, Western Australia, our work features an eclectic variety of forms, styles and experiences. We strive to give our audience an engaging, challenging and moving night out at the theatre.
Everything we put on stage is thanks to you.
Our goal this year is to inspire and empower the next generation of emerging artists and arts workers in our community.
We need your help to realise the next part of our vision. We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to our company this year.
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