Some days we get angry. Really f@#king angry.
Our fellow humans, those we recognise as people and those we don’t, live in continual fear and face the danger of violent death, and we are powerless to help them. But what can you do when things seem so bleak?
Isn’t it easier to just put on your headphones and drown yourself in Taylor Swift?
Director: Gita Bezard
Devisors: Adriane Daff, Gita Bezard, Jeffrey Jay Fowler, Arielle Gray & Chris Isaacs & Kathryn Osborne
Lighting Design: Joe Lui
Set & Costume Design: Tessa Darcey
Stage Manager: Nate Newell

All That Glitters is a humorous, satirical and most definitely entertaining - Noted
Talented director Gita Bezard has packed this show with big bold laughs - Australian Stage
All That Glitters is thought-provokingly funny and urges us to think and do more - Subiaco Post
All That Glitters premiered at The Blue Room Theatre, Boorloo/Perth in 2015.