It's a full theatrical experience... in one minute.
Three productions in one night; The Moment, Oedipus, and The Dark.
A tasting plate of theatre for the impatient theatre-goer with the short attention span.
In 2014 we created three one-minute theatre pieces for the Blue Room FringeWorld Summer Nights Home Open. It was a one night only experiment to see how we could explore storytelling within a one minute time limit.
‘The Moment’, an experience for one-audience member at a time. A school dance complete with a room full of 80’s ‘teens’, the audience member has a romantic experience with the dreamboat of the dance (through smoke, fans, mirror balls and Whitney Houston’s ‘One Moment in Time’) only to get ripped away to detention by the teacher for ‘dancing too close’.
‘Oedipus’: a one minute adaptation, done in the style of (tongue in cheek) german expressionism. Think hanging plastic, blue blood, eggs and paint suits. ‘Oedipus’ played to three full houses and received rapturous applause and standing ovations.
’The Dark’ was a one minute haunting gone wrong for one audience member at a time.
Lead Artist Arielle Gray, “… a lot of what we interact with, especially on the internet is consumed in bite-sized pieces; an article, a short video, pictures, snapchat – I wanted to explore what that would be like for live performance.
Performers: Bri Williams, Nathan Tetlaw, Tarryn Gill, Moya Thomas, Nick Pages-Oliver, Chris Isaacs, Arielle Gray, Gita Bezard, Jeffrey Jay Fowler, Tim Watts, Wyatt Nixon Lloyd, Jenny Palmer,